Editorial Services

Bringing Your Voice to Life -

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About Us

Editing You Can Trust

The great Renaissance writer Ben Jonson wrote: 'Language most shows a man: speak that I may see thee.'  At EdPerfect, we update that to: 'Language most shows the person, write so we may see you.'  At EdPerfect, we understand the investment authors make in their writing; we provide edits that faithfully reflect both your voice and ideas.

A Higher Standard: Professional Editing

Most editing services today, run by graduate students or former academics,  produce formulaic and styleless work. Oxford and Columbia University trained English Professor, William Kolbrener, with his trained editorial team, attend to the nuts and bolts of style, but also aim for a higher standard, enlivening authorial voice and argument.  With decades experience, as journal and book editor,  as well as PhD adviser, Kolbrener and his team understand that clarity of argument is not only a matter of following prescribed rules, but of understanding and style.  

Our Editors

Edperfect goes back to an older standard of editing - not just the application of generalized rules, proofreading and the prescriptions of a style sheet. Our deep pool of trained and vetted editors are themselves writers committed to excellence - equipped to manage projects in a broad range of topics and English styles.  Whatever the genre - in the Sciences and Humanities we guaranty that projects are delivered on time and perfect.  Edperfect also works in other major languages - including German, French, Italian, Spanish, Hebrew and Chinese.

Three Basic Rules for Writers

Keep it Simple

Ever see the web banners: 'why choose a 3 syllable word when you can choose a 5 syllable word'? they have it reversed: good writing begins with a commitment to simplicity and clarity - see what George Orwell has to say - not willful obscurity!

Keep it Connected

Aristotle actually knew something - in his Poetics, he wrote about the importance of the relationship between parts and whole.  Good writers always show the connection between the different parts of their argument -  showing how they relate to the whole.

Don't Lose the Music

We don't have to aspire to be Shakespeare - but good writers avoid the 'clunkety-clunk' of generic writing.  Really good writing sometimes sings - it should NEVER read like a nursery-rhyme.


William Kolbrener  has been teaching writing for over three decades.  He is the author of four books, as well as book and journal editor. He has degrees from Columbia and Oxford, and has taught at Columbia and UCLA.  He is currently a Professor of English Literature at Bar Ilan University in Israel - where he also teaches Creative Non-Fiction.  He has guided dozens of students - MA and PhD - through the thesis-writing process.


Humanities - Social Sciences

Our editors are skilled in a broad range of academic subjects beyond Life Sciences, Medicine and other non-STEM subject areas. We are experienced in the Humanities, Social Sciences with expertise in subjects such as Religion, Comparative Literature, Philosophy, Sociology, Economics, Statistics, and History, among others.

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

EdPerfect helps global researchers publish their findings in journals in a large variety of fields including  chemistry, microbiology, computer and information technology science, engineering, geosciences, and mathematical science 


Our editors have worked with authors and researchers publishing in different fields of medical research - including hematology, cardiology, hematology and psychiatry


In addition to the work we do with scientists and other academics, we also provide editing to a broad range of non-academic publications, such as newspapers, blogs and corporate memos.

Contact Us

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We love our customers, so feel free to visit during regular business hours.


450 Seventh Avenue, NYC 10001

(917) 673-8988
Or call our Israel Office: +972547316001